Saturday, February 7, 2009

Spring fever

As the days start to get nicer, I am starting to get excited for spring. Spring will bring an end to cold and flu season and this will allow Joel and I to be a bit more carefree with Cohen. Right now, I'm able to stay home with him. But in May he will start daycare while I finish this semester and start a summer practicum. I am excited to start taking Cohen out more and to bring him with me for fun shenanigans and such. One thing we will be doing is the March of Dimes-March for Babies walk in Lincoln. The walk is on April 26th at Holmes Lake.

The March of Dimes mission is to make healthy, full-term birth a reality for all babies. March of Dimes funds support research, services, education and advocacy that help babies get a healthy start. Research funded by March of Dimes had a direct impact on Cohen's health. Two drugs administered to him (steroid shots before birth and surfactant after birth) were developed through research funded by the March of Dimes.

Anyone can walk with us (it's free) and/or donate to our team's fundraising efforts. If you would like to donate or join the team, click on the link on the left side bar. We are team "Growin Cohen." Fun day + great cause = Win, Win!! Thanks for considering it! -Leah

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