Thursday, October 21, 2010

What boog?

Jovie had a fairly impressive booger that escaped her nose. I went to get a tissue and when I came back with it, the boog was gone. She got pretty excited when I asked her "where's the boogie?" (I later found the boog on her sleeve).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Cohen has started to repeat many of the words I say. His Jovie sounds kind of like "Voo-vie." Also, Jovie is now giggling. It's really cute and funny.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Nancy and Neal visited us in August. We had a great time swimming, going to Sedona, and celebrating Cohen's birthday while they were here.

Cohen's birthday cake. I got a bit tired at the end, so the frosting job is a bit sloppy. But Cohen didn't mind :^)
Carrot cake. Sneaking in the veggies :^)

Playing soccer with Uncle Mike

Cohen got a lawn mower that blows bubbles for his birthday. Pretty awesome.
We went to Sedona with Nancy and Neal. Jovie went on her first hike! We didn't get too far though, the heat is pretty intense. Such beautiful sites though. I can't wait to do some more hiking there (maybe without kids someday).