Where to start, where to start. Cohen is huge! He is weighing somewhere in the 15lb range these days. He has grown so much, phsically and developmentally. He is very aware of everything around him. It's so fun to watch him follow things around the room. He seems especially fond of the dogs and they love him too! Cohen's coos continue to grow too. He is getting louder and louder and recently he's even let out a couple of high pitched screetches. Last week he started rolling on his side! His speed bump of an arm won't let him roll all the way over just yet.
A couple of weeks ago we started giving Cohen rice cereal and a couple of days ago we started with fruits and veggies. So far, he's liked both the sweet potatoes and peaches that we've offered him. Also, the other day we noticed that he has a tooth coming in! Crazy! It's pretty neat to feel a sharp little edge in his mouth. And he hasn't been too terribly fussy thus far (knocking on wood right now).
Next week Cohen is going to start daycare. He will be starting a few weeks before I go back to work so that I finish the semester without failing. He will be the second boy named Cohen in the infant room. They asked if he had a nickname that he went by, since there is another Cohen already there. Sometimes I call him "crazytalk" because it sometimes produces baby laughs. But they probably shouldn't put that on the decorative crib card just yet.
A few weeks ago Cohen eliminated his last feeding. He had previously been hungry for his last bottle for the night around 10-11pm. Now he has his last bottle around 7 or 8 and goes to bed sometime shortly after. This has been great because Joel and I can get to sleep a little earlier. This development has changed our life! I'm getting great sleep and feel so lucky that Cohen is such a good sleeper (again, knocking on wood)! It is so cool how Cohen's needs have changed over the past 7 months and how he let's us know what he needs. We just follow his lead.
One more development to share...The other day, Joel and I woke up to Cohen babbling away to himself in his crib, instead of waking to him crying. It's the cutuest thing! Then I go into his room and he's just laying there happy and smiling. I don't usually hear him until he's got a pretty good whine going. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm sleeping more. Who knows, either way, I love it! AND, he did it again this morning! Go Cohen!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
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