So I haven't blogged in a long time but here I am again. Anyhow Cohen is 15 months old! And...super duper fun!
In the past few weeks he has been so silly and playful it's just too much fun! He has been initiating peek-a-boo which I think is a riot! He loves to chase the dogs around while laughing hysterically. And the last few days he has started to give kisses! Cohen is really starting to hunger for attention and to me this means that we've entered yet another stage in his development. This stage has also included some pretty impressive little fits, where he can throw his head down in despair while sitting with his legs straddled. We call it the pancake. That boy is so flexible! Also, he enjoys throwing his head down on the ground and crawling at the same time.
Speaking of crawling, Cohen is a great crawler! I think he gets faster everyday. He has been pulling up on things for a few months now and is starting to get more brave with his standing up on things, letting go for longer and longer.
Joel and I have been busy too. This semester was a busy one and I'm so excited for it to be over! Joel spent a month in Kansas City doing an OB rotation. And has been out of town a lot interviewing for residencies.
In other news, we are excited to be expecting another little one in June! I am excited to provide Cohen with the bonding opportunity that only a sibling can offer. I can imagine them talking about how silly and old Joel and I are. I will see the doctor more often than last time because of the risk of having another preemie. They will be watching me closely and giving me weekly shots of 17P starting at week 16 in hopes of avoiding preterm labor. I am a little scared and very hopeful!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
11 months
Dear Cohen,
Today you turned 11 months old! My, my how the time passes. Today at daycare they informed me that you will move into the "big infant" room at daycare. The "big infant" room is where the babies go once they learn to sit up and crawl. So yay! You are graduating! You are sitting up very well these days and tonight you scooted around the living room floor very quickly and with great intention, grabbing for toys and going after the dogs.
Another funny thing you do as you have become more mobile is to grab at the bumper when you're in your crib. You pull the bumper down and peek out of the crib. Usually, you're crying when you do it but the first time you did it was a few days ago in the morning. I got out of bed after hearing you stirring for awhile and you were staring into our bedroom and when I saw you you got a really big smile on your face.
Your smiles and laughing lately has been so much fun. You get so excited now about things when you're in a happy mood. It is very fun to play with you and make you laugh. A week ago you laughed at the something the dogs were doing, which was neat because usually your dad and I have to make silly noises and faces to get you to laugh.
We are still trying solid foods every now and again. I've realized that you may never like the taste of these apple melt away puffs things I've been repeatedly trying to give you. But you don't seem to mind gram crackers and you seemed to like cheese the other day too. Right now I have to mix your green vegetables with fruit in order for you to eat it. If I try to give you staight peas or green beans you make a sour face and you stop opening your mouth to eat.
Last weekend the Barkley family had a reunion and many family members were able to meet you for the first time. Then, you went out of town with Nancy and Neal for the day to Woodbine, IA for the second part of the reunion festivities. And even though you were an hour late getting home, it sounds like you had a great time and even fell asleep in you Aunt Gail's arms during picture time.
Well ,one more month and you'll be one year old! And though you won't be aware of this milestone, we'll still have a little birthday party to celebrate:^) I can't wait!
Love you,
Friday, May 29, 2009
9 months
Today you did the funniest thing! Your dad and I gave you a tiny piece of lasagna noodle with sauce. You immediately made a face that displayed your utter disgust of the foreign object that we put in your mouth. Your strong reaction was immediately funny to your dad and I. And then, you started to gag on the lasagna noodle. Before I could get it out of your mouth you spit up a good couple of ounces of formula from your bottle a few hours earlier. After the milk rushed out, the lasagna noodle slowly followed. Once it was out, all was well again!
You see, last friday you went to the pediatrician for your 9 month well check. The pediatrician said that we could start trying real food. I know you'll let me know when you're ready for solid foods, but I couldn't resist seeing what would happen. Besides talking about introducing new foods, the doc also plotted your stats on the growth chart. You are in the 10th percentile for weight and the 25th percentile for height! I recognize that percentiles don't really matter and that everyone usually balances out in the end, but it is so neat to see the progress you've made and somehow it makes me feel proud.
Two months ago (at 7 months), you started daycare! You have since had your first ear infection. And two weeks after that you had your second ear infection. Your dad and I have since learned how painful that is for you. And how exhausting it is for us. When your ears aren't infected, you are a wonderful sleeper! You have been sleeping through the night since January! You have no idea how much I appreciate this! And it seems to work well for you too:^)
You have also been consistently working on rolling over. And for the past week, every morning I find you on your stomach. I have no idea really at what point you roll onto your stomach. And am thinking of setting an alarm, so that I can get up and see if you are sleeping on your stomach or just rolling over in the morning after you wake up. Also, you now have two teeth!!! Both bottom incisors! And both have fully risen without too many sleepless nights!
Since Spring has come we have been able to do so much fun stuff with you! You have met most of the extended family! Gone swimming! Listened to some live music outdoors! Hung out with your cousin! And many other fun firsts that we can do now that it's warm and you're older and your risk of infection has lessened! That's right! We are L.I.V.I.N. now, Baby Cohen! And loving it! You keep the smiles and the babble coming! And I'll keep the bottles and peek-a-boo coming!
P.S. We are trying lasagna again soon!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
In bloom
Where to start, where to start. Cohen is huge! He is weighing somewhere in the 15lb range these days. He has grown so much, phsically and developmentally. He is very aware of everything around him. It's so fun to watch him follow things around the room. He seems especially fond of the dogs and they love him too! Cohen's coos continue to grow too. He is getting louder and louder and recently he's even let out a couple of high pitched screetches. Last week he started rolling on his side! His speed bump of an arm won't let him roll all the way over just yet.
A couple of weeks ago we started giving Cohen rice cereal and a couple of days ago we started with fruits and veggies. So far, he's liked both the sweet potatoes and peaches that we've offered him. Also, the other day we noticed that he has a tooth coming in! Crazy! It's pretty neat to feel a sharp little edge in his mouth. And he hasn't been too terribly fussy thus far (knocking on wood right now).
Next week Cohen is going to start daycare. He will be starting a few weeks before I go back to work so that I finish the semester without failing. He will be the second boy named Cohen in the infant room. They asked if he had a nickname that he went by, since there is another Cohen already there. Sometimes I call him "crazytalk" because it sometimes produces baby laughs. But they probably shouldn't put that on the decorative crib card just yet.
A few weeks ago Cohen eliminated his last feeding. He had previously been hungry for his last bottle for the night around 10-11pm. Now he has his last bottle around 7 or 8 and goes to bed sometime shortly after. This has been great because Joel and I can get to sleep a little earlier. This development has changed our life! I'm getting great sleep and feel so lucky that Cohen is such a good sleeper (again, knocking on wood)! It is so cool how Cohen's needs have changed over the past 7 months and how he let's us know what he needs. We just follow his lead.
One more development to share...The other day, Joel and I woke up to Cohen babbling away to himself in his crib, instead of waking to him crying. It's the cutuest thing! Then I go into his room and he's just laying there happy and smiling. I don't usually hear him until he's got a pretty good whine going. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm sleeping more. Who knows, either way, I love it! AND, he did it again this morning! Go Cohen!
A couple of weeks ago we started giving Cohen rice cereal and a couple of days ago we started with fruits and veggies. So far, he's liked both the sweet potatoes and peaches that we've offered him. Also, the other day we noticed that he has a tooth coming in! Crazy! It's pretty neat to feel a sharp little edge in his mouth. And he hasn't been too terribly fussy thus far (knocking on wood right now).
Next week Cohen is going to start daycare. He will be starting a few weeks before I go back to work so that I finish the semester without failing. He will be the second boy named Cohen in the infant room. They asked if he had a nickname that he went by, since there is another Cohen already there. Sometimes I call him "crazytalk" because it sometimes produces baby laughs. But they probably shouldn't put that on the decorative crib card just yet.
A few weeks ago Cohen eliminated his last feeding. He had previously been hungry for his last bottle for the night around 10-11pm. Now he has his last bottle around 7 or 8 and goes to bed sometime shortly after. This has been great because Joel and I can get to sleep a little earlier. This development has changed our life! I'm getting great sleep and feel so lucky that Cohen is such a good sleeper (again, knocking on wood)! It is so cool how Cohen's needs have changed over the past 7 months and how he let's us know what he needs. We just follow his lead.
One more development to share...The other day, Joel and I woke up to Cohen babbling away to himself in his crib, instead of waking to him crying. It's the cutuest thing! Then I go into his room and he's just laying there happy and smiling. I don't usually hear him until he's got a pretty good whine going. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I'm sleeping more. Who knows, either way, I love it! AND, he did it again this morning! Go Cohen!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Extreme tummy time
Most of the time Cohen screams as soon as you lay him on his stomach, but once in a while he is willing to accept the tummy time challenge. When he's into it, he can hold his head up nice and strong and his back legs get up so high that it looks like he could roll over onto his side at any moment. I call it extreme tummy time. I think it gives him an adrenaline rush, or maybe just me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Spring fever
As the days start to get nicer, I am starting to get excited for spring. Spring will bring an end to cold and flu season and this will allow Joel and I to be a bit more carefree with Cohen. Right now, I'm able to stay home with him. But in May he will start daycare while I finish this semester and start a summer practicum. I am excited to start taking Cohen out more and to bring him with me for fun shenanigans and such. One thing we will be doing is the March of Dimes-March for Babies walk in Lincoln. The walk is on April 26th at Holmes Lake.
The March of Dimes mission is to make healthy, full-term birth a reality for all babies. March of Dimes funds support research, services, education and advocacy that help babies get a healthy start. Research funded by March of Dimes had a direct impact on Cohen's health. Two drugs administered to him (steroid shots before birth and surfactant after birth) were developed through research funded by the March of Dimes.
Anyone can walk with us (it's free) and/or donate to our team's fundraising efforts. If you would like to donate or join the team, click on the link on the left side bar. We are team "Growin Cohen." Fun day + great cause = Win, Win!! Thanks for considering it! -Leah
The March of Dimes mission is to make healthy, full-term birth a reality for all babies. March of Dimes funds support research, services, education and advocacy that help babies get a healthy start. Research funded by March of Dimes had a direct impact on Cohen's health. Two drugs administered to him (steroid shots before birth and surfactant after birth) were developed through research funded by the March of Dimes.
Anyone can walk with us (it's free) and/or donate to our team's fundraising efforts. If you would like to donate or join the team, click on the link on the left side bar. We are team "Growin Cohen." Fun day + great cause = Win, Win!! Thanks for considering it! -Leah
Friday, January 23, 2009
Kicking it
Cohen is five months old today! His last weight check put him at 11.5 lbs. His newest tricks are kicking and drooling. The increased leg movement makes bath time more fun(splish splash). He also has started to move around in the crib more. This morning he had somehow managed to turn himself 90 degrees in the crib.
Nancy and Neal came to visit over the new year and brought Cohen's most important piece of furniture, the crib!! Neal made the crib from an oak tree planted by Joel's great grandfather. It turned out beautiful and has a beautiful history to go with it. Joel and I painted a mural of a tree on the wall.
Cohen also experienced his first trip to the zoo over the holiday break. We went to the aquarium. Every baby item we own either has an ocean or a jungle theme, so I think he probably recognized some of aquatic life in the tanks. I can't wait to introduce him to the monkeys because between all of our books, clothes, and toys we have about 800 monkeys in the house, so I know they'll be quick friends.

Nancy and Neal came to visit over the new year and brought Cohen's most important piece of furniture, the crib!! Neal made the crib from an oak tree planted by Joel's great grandfather. It turned out beautiful and has a beautiful history to go with it. Joel and I painted a mural of a tree on the wall.
Cohen also experienced his first trip to the zoo over the holiday break. We went to the aquarium. Every baby item we own either has an ocean or a jungle theme, so I think he probably recognized some of aquatic life in the tanks. I can't wait to introduce him to the monkeys because between all of our books, clothes, and toys we have about 800 monkeys in the house, so I know they'll be quick friends.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I'll have the fish please
Cohen did the coolest thing tonight! He reached up to play with one of the toys on his playmat! The playmat has two fish and a mirror that hang down from an arc over his head. He reached up and grabbed the fish, touching and feeling it long enough for me to get Joel's attention. We both watched in awe as he explored it. This is the first time he has really grabbed for anything cool.
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